Giffards Primary School

  1. Governance
  2. Governors and trustees information and duties


Governors visit and speak to the children about their learning and experiences
Governors visit and speak to the children about their learning and experiences

Governing Body

Our school governors, who are either members or trustees of Giffards Primary School, are a team of people who work closely with the head teacher to make key decisions vital to the successful running of the school. The governors appoint the head teacher and make decisions that directly affect the education and well-being of the children. They play an important role in improving standards throughout the school and setting the strategic direction of the school as well as agreeing the school’s budget. In other words, it’s a very meaningful role!


They each bring different skill sets to the governing body and, therefore, the school which is amazing but we always welcome more professionals who are interested in joining our welcoming and friendly team. If you would be interested in becoming one of our Governors please click here for some more information.


Some of the comments from our latest Skills Audit carried out are below:


What contribution do you feel you have made to the governing board over the past year?

JS – As I have only recently joined the board of governors, I am still getting familiar with the role and what is required. Therefore, at this time, I have made little contribution to the board. I am due to attend the EYFS trip next month though. I feel able to ask for support and guidance to expand my knowledge.

RB – Provided Support on GDPR questions and general technology strategy while participating in regular meetings, supporting the SLT through the pandemic. 

GC – Forensic Policy Reviews & contribution to Drafting

JC – Engaging with the Community and local leaders answering their questions when knowledgeable passing on queries when required. Attending on school trips.

RP – Monitoring of Pupil’s Progress & Attainment Data & providing challenge where required to ensure targets are aspirational but achievable. Offering a parent’s perspective on strategic decisions, particularly in relations to safety measures and home school provision introduced in the light of covid-19. Active involvement in the life of the school e.g., supporting Christmas performances, attending School trips.

JV – Being able to offer first hand experience of what is going on in school. Good Knowledge of EYFS.

SR – Along with my colleagues on the body, I have helped evaluate information regarding finance, curriculum & premises, enabling us to make judged decisions allowing and assisting the Senior Leadership team to continue the smooth & effective running of the school.

DS – Supported the HT & SLT with the development, growth & changes to the School COVID-19 Risk Assessment. I recognised and supported the importance for the Whole School Team to implement & execute said RA to its fullest to ensure the highest possible level of safety for the total school population. Throughout the COVID Crisis listened & challenged where necessary the HT as our School supported our vulnerable & high priority children, developed & grew Return to School protocols for an increasing School Pupil population, still ensuring strong Safeguarding practices not only for our at-Risk Children, but any child that was not in School during the lockdown phases. Have watched & understood the way the School changed its provision of Home Schooling/On-line offering of the Curriculum from the early months of the crisis to present time. Now the School can provide a week’s provision of the School Curriculum being provided in class in the same week but via on-line platform or paperwork where required. The Teacher planning supporting the provision in a language that parents can understand. Worked closely with HT & Business Manager to understand, monitor & approve the Financial implications of all of the above, including the use of the COVID financial provisions from Central Govt.   


The governors/trustees meet as a whole governing body at least twice a term, one meeting focusing on Curriculum & Pupil Matters and the second on Finance, Audit & Premises. The Executive Committee meet once a term to discuss, among other things, Personnel and Pay Matters and strategic matters. Other committees will meet as necessary.

 Our governance structure and remit is shown here and our Scheme of Delegation 2023-24

Our Accounts that also include our Annual Report, Articles of Association, Memorandum and Funding Agreement can be found on the Financial Information page of this website.

Register of Business and Pecuniary Interests – to ensure that no doubt can be cast on a Governing Body member’s ability to act with complete objectivity with regard to the Academy’s activities we hold a Register of Pecuniary Interests. The full register is available for viewing in school however we can confirm that at this present time there are no governors who have registered a financial interest however it is mentioned on the list of Governors below if they have any other interests.

Once agreed and signed hard copies of the minutes of all meetings are available for you to see on request from the main school office. Please feel free to ask at the office for copies.

Governing-Body details including Register of Interests wef September 2024

Our governing body is committed, knowledgeable and hard working, attending as many meetings as possible over the academic year. Governor attendance at meetings academic year 2023-24

Please feel free to contact us if you have require any information or would like to let us know your views of the school. The Governors may be contacted via the Clerk: Mrs Sue Bryant c/o Giffards Primary School or via the Chairperson: Mr D Stubbings c/o Giffards Primary School, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Corringham. SS17 7TG.

As a standalone academy there are three Members, they are Mr D Stubbings, Mr J Taylor and Mr S Rhodes. These, along with all governors, can be contacted via the school – Giffards Primary School, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Corringham, Essex, SS17 7TG or 01375 672138  or emailing (if calling please ask for the Clerk, Mrs S Bryant, and she will pass on your query and details for one of them to contact you)