Giffards Primary School

  1. Pastoral Care, SEND and Inclusion
  2. SEND and disability information



Giffards Primary School “values everyone as learners”. We are committed to providing an appropriate and high quality education to all of the children within our school. We believe that all children, including those identified as having special educational needs and disability (SEND) have a common entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum, both academic and social that is accessible to them. We strive to create an equitable einvironment where every pupil can flourish, feel safe and happy whilst fulfilling their potential and preparing them for the next stage of their development. 

At Giffards we are committed to inclusion and actively plan to ensure a sense of community and belonging. We know our children and respond to them in ways which take account of their varied life experiences and needs.

All staff are supported to understand the needs of our pupils and how to meet them. We focus on high quality first teaching and use a graduated assess, plan, do and review approach at all times. We aim to quickly identify pupils who may require any additional support and provide in class strategies and experiences along with additional to and different from provisions.

We work in partnership with our parents and involve them fully in their child’s education and support. We work alongside the Local Authority, Health Professionals, Mental Health Support Team, counselling services and other organisations to find the most appropriate and effective support for pupils within our care.

Mrs V Teager is our SENDCo, please do feel free to contact her by calling the main office or completing our 'Contact Us' page and requesting she contact you and we will ask her to do so as soon as she can. Alternatively you can contact her on

If you have any concerns/complaints about your child who is currently on the SEND register or that you wish to be on the SEND register we do ask that you talk to Mrs V Teager, our special educational needs co-ordinator (SENDCo) to try and find a solution. If you do this and, after further discussion you do not feel the solution is acceptable then please follow our official Complaints Procedure and your concern will be invesitgated. 

Please see relevant links below that you may find useful:

Thurrock Local offer

Department of Education Special Educational Needs and Disabilities: a guide for parents and carers

SEND policy

SEND information report


Information that parents may find useful

Information for pupils - due soon